

FreeRay is a free collection of 3D objects. It intends to supply POV-Ray users and relative software, an additional library to the many libraries they can find in the WEB.

We don't want to increase legal confusion, so we wish all objects have same patent than POV-Ray official library. This patent if for free use, and enable commercial projects and source modification. We remit the readers to this library for an appropriate interpretation in this particular collection. Readers can easily recognize a text archive with this patent, because first row must to say:

// This file is licensed under the terms of the CC-LGPL.

Occasionally, some materials suggest to include external archives. We try to support the compatibility with official library, but user must read all relevant explanations when they exist.

The Persistence of Vision Ray-Tracer creates three-dimensional, photo-realistic images using a rendering technique called ray-tracing. It reads in a text file containing information describing the objects and lighting in a scene and generates an image of that scene from the view point of a camera also described in the text file. Ray-tracing is not a fast process by any means, but it produces very high quality images with realistic reflections, shading, perspective and other effects.

Cite in POV-Ray program...


Download in FreeDOS archives


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Download button includes FreeRay2010 with fifteen 3D objects


Download in FreeDOS archives


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Download button includes FreeRay2011 with 22 objects


Download in FreeDOS archives


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Download button includes FreeRay2012 with 17 objects


Download in FreeDOS archives


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Download button includes FreeRay2013 with 20 objects


Download in FreeDOS archives


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Package includes 17 objects, only 16 are compatible with POV-Ray 3.1.


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Package includes 16 objects, only 14 are compatible with POV-Ray 3.1.


Download in DropBox

Package includes 18 objects, only 17 are compatible with POV-Ray 3.1.


Download in DropBox

Package includes 16 objects, only 10 are compatible with POV-Ray 3.1.


Download in DropBox

Package includes 18 objects, only 17 are compatible with POV-Ray 3.1.


Download in DropBox

Package includes 16 objects, all of them are compatible with POV-Ray 3.1.


Download in DropBox

Package includes 15 objects, only 6 of them are compatible with POV-Ray 3.1.


Download in DropBox

Package includes 14 objects, only 5 of them are compatible with POV-Ray 3.1.


We wanted to show our gratitude to the following programmers and artists groups

PHP Hypertext preprocessor for WEB applications
POVRay Ray-tracer and 3D objects
FREESOUND Sounds (many licenses)
JQUERY Popular JavaScript library for WEB design
JQUERYVALIDATE jQuery validation plugin
BOOTSTRAP jQuery plugin for easy WEB design

Bootstrap is released under the MIT license and is copyright 2014 Twitter. jQueryValidate is released under MIT license also. License for jQuery here.

Attribution license in Freesound

Author Original Modified
ERH wedding cars.wav cars.mp3
ERH angels.wav angels.mp3
paulw2k Football-crowd-foul-stoppage-chanting-can-we-have-a-referee.wav football.mp3
dobroide pumps.mp3
OBXJohn Child Laughing.wav laughing.mp3

3D objects in POV-Ray 's libraries

Txemi Jendrix Barrel
Blob Sculptor Hand
Gilles Tran, Ken Tyler, Steven Pigeon Trees
Remco de Korte Bow

La opinión informal de las pocas personas con que he conversado del tema, concuerda en que los números están falseados en alguna dirección. He prometido a mis lectores en reiteradas ocasiones investigar el tema con mayor profundidad cuando considere tener un momento más oportuno en mis proyectos personales, por el momento me limito a hacer algunos comentarios.

Pese a la tendencia creciente, mi opinión es que todavía falta mucho para alcanzar el cincuenta por ciento. Hasta entonces, solicito se mantenga fuera del diccionario; pese a que siempre he admitido que un límite de cincuenta por ciento es demasiado exigente.

El sabotaje, la persecusión política y religiosa, y la simulación son ilegales en Costa Rica. Al igual que drogar a las personas inteligentes, idólatras o que denuncian. No coopere con los farsantes e hipócritas que le ofrecen el camino ancho de las soluciones simplistas e irresponsables.

Desde que me negué a retirar una imagen de la Virgen de Fátima de un cuaderno, los protestantes han estado saboteando con amplio descaro mis proyectos; riéndose de cualquier amenaza de acciones legales cual si fuere el pago de un permiso o un soborno. Muchos católicos, liberales, y de otras ideologías les han ayudado, parece que en Costa Rica a los guardias les divierte faltar el respeto. Pese a lo anterior, mi empresa, aunque reformulada en varias ocasiones, no renuncia a su defensa de los valores y virtudes en el marco de nuestra fe Católica.

Follow @juegoslazaruscr